The performance “Les Larmes de Crocodile” is the result of a three month’s training under the title Acting for Change. Together with the talented group of dancers and actors the training team made a performance dealing with social problems in current Burundi. The performance premiered at the Institut Francais in Bujumbura and was very well received by audience and press. New performances were plannend in the capital and the production was played at the Kampala International Theatre Festival in Uganda. In the first half of 2020 ‘Les Larmes de Crocodile will be perfromed in High schools throughout Burundi.
Creative team: Jeroen Kriek, Noortje Bijvoets, Lucrèce Atchade, Rachel Agbossou, Feri de Geus, Jochem Stavenuiter
Concept and final choreography: Feri de Geus, artistic contributions by: Noortje Bijvoets, Jochem Stavenuiter, Rachelle Agbossou, Jeroen Kriek, Lucrece Atchade, Feri de Geus and all dancers: BUTOYI Alain, DUSHIME Arlène, HATUNGA Carel, HAVYARIMANA Ferdinand, IRANKUNDA Yvanna, INANGOMA Sheilla, MANIRKIZA Christian, MOSSI Alain, MUGISHO Hervé, NASSOR Timmy, NDAYISABA Audreille, NDERA Saigon, NIYIGABA Rack, NIVOKWIZERA Kefa, NZIKWINKUNDA Marlène, SAGANYA Raphael, SIBOMANA Audreille
Light design and technics: Jeroen Kriek, Costumes: Feri de Geus, Music: a.o. Metalica, Rapsong: Rachelle Agbossou,Feri de Geus, together with all dancers.
Many thanks to the Royal Dutch Embassy in Burundi and the Institute Français Burundi.