The training Ne te Résigne pas in Benin was focused on the development of Walô to choreographers. There was a lot of attention to composition and choreography assignments, in addition to training in various dance techniques.
The training was designed in a way that the dancers were able to train highschool youngsters on social issues, in particular with regard to sexual violence. In the studio we worked with test groups, to train didactic skills next to composition and choreographic skills.
In the second part of the training period twelve choreographers worked in pairs on a performance at seven different secondary schools in the capital Cotonou. After an extensive audition, during twelve rehearsals the duo choreographers worked with youngsters on a ten minute choreography. The training ended with a presentation of all performances together in a “So you think you can dance” -like competition in the theater. By an expert jury prizes were handed out for execution, choreography and conviction of meaning.
The idea of a competition was copied in new initiatives and some of the choreographies have been presented in other competitions or school events. The Training was supported by EP-NUFFIC and the engaged secondary schools.
Trainers: Erik Bos, Feri de Geus, Erik Kaiel Guido Kleene, Noortje Bijvoets.